About Smoke Testing
BlueWater Solutions Group conducts sanitary sewer smoke testing in order to detect defective and improper connections by blowing non-toxic and odorless smoke into the sewer. If no defects are present, smoke will only be visible from manhole to manhole and on rooftop vents for each building that is connected to the sanitary sewer. When defects are present, smoke will come through the defect. Smoke should not enter buildings unless there are leaks or defects in the plumbing. Should smoke enter your building, open a door or window, turn on exhaust fans, and notify the field crew leader in your area or contact the project manager for additional assistance. People with respiratory concerns are advised to leave the premises during the smoke testing.
To help prevent smoke from entering your building, pour 24 ounces of water into your basement floor drains as well as all drains in sinks, bathtubs, and showers. Adding vegetable oil will also help to slow down the evaporation of water in the P-traps.