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Consulting Services

Infrastructure Consulting

Pulling from over 40 years of water and wastewater experience, we strive to deliver the best consulting services on the market. Our extensive knowledge of the utilities industry provides us with the necessary skills to give you the most efficient solution possible. For professional engineering consulting services regarding your buried pipeline infrastructure, contact us today. We will work with you to diagnose and asses the condition of your infrastructure.

Featured Consulting Services

Condition Assessment

Utilizing cutting edge technology, we can accurately assess the condition of your infrastructure to make sure that it keeps running at maximum efficiency

Condition Assessment


Asset Management

Learn about how we can manage your infrastructure capital assets to minimize costs and keep them running sustainably

Asset Management


Additional Consulting Services



Master Planning/CIP

Hydraulic Modeling

Transient Modeling

NRPWL Studies


Rate Studies



Design – New

Design – Rehabilitation

I/I & SSO Studies

Trenchless Engineering

Lift Station Improvements

Forensic Engineering